LAST EDIT December 30, 2023
Why you should have a security guard card in 2024
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Welcome back to downtown Boston. It's December now, and the nighttime Christmas ambiance has returned and is absolutely palpable. It's the best time to work security, on the night shift, while the world sleeps.
You've been on the job for a year now, and it's midnight and you have already left the office for your first patrol of the night. The 2nd shift supervisor, who has been at this post since the 90s has stayed late and is once again regaling your security shift partner with tails of the blizzard of 78 and how he used to have to monitor the window panes, every hour on the hour, at the John Hancock tower.
You clear the massive lobby, double checking all exterior doors to ensure 2nd shift has everything secured and the magnetized locks are working.
You take the elevator to the top floor, then run the stairs to the rooftop entrance, confirming its locked, and then running the stairs back down, floor by floor, checking the doors and clearing the restrooms on each floor until concluding your patrol in the basement, where you take a quick look into the old subway tunnel. Man, that's some ambiance, before returning to the office where you will stay for the next hour while your security partner runs his patrol. This is a routine you will repeat four times throughout your eight-hour shift.
The old-school security office is still the same: with its smoky 1980s musk, 20-year-old CCTV monitor bank, and an old, flickering TV and it's 1990s late-night re-runs occasionally interrupted by the chirp of the office's police scanner.
The next hour is yours to do what you want, to study, to prepare for something bigger and better. But, for this next hour, until your partner returns, you are going to chill. You flip on the radio, to the Christmas music on Magic 106 point 7, and can't help but reflect on why this next year, 2024, is the perfect time to have your security guard card.
You don't have to reflect long. You have regularly used this time to follow and become authoritative on the latest security industry news. Headlines from the last year have overwhelmed your feed.
In the last year, since you started security, you have joined The Security Officer Network at SecurityOfficerNetwork,com and your Security Officer Network's YouTube and X feeds constantly inform you of the latest trends in the industry: government numbers have shown that even more security officer jobs are coming online as the police continue their retreat from society. Crime numbers continue to overwhelm and private security continues to assume what used to be police responsibilities, and Allied Security has seemingly become the feared OMNICorp of RoboCop fame. It has gobbled up just about all of the other big security companies, and has continued buying out companies in 2023, thus creating a vacuum for security-minded entrepreneurs to fill the void.
Because you are informed, you also know that the industry is proving to be remarkably resilient to both automation and AI. The evolution of technology hasn't cut into overall security jobs. Even as these technologies have spread, including those clunky security robots, the overall number of security jobs has continued to increase.
As both public and private debt rise to unsustainable levels, and the politicians have lost meaningful control of public safety, economic and even monetary policy, something that few elected officials likely even understand, and a potential disastrous market correction constantly looms like the sword of Damocles, the security guard card is the ultimate security blanket.
For the rest of our lifetimes, there will always be a need for the security officer, no matter the economic climate.
If the economy does well, the good economic conditions will camouflage the dangerous situation as societal values are continuing to collapse. Large parts of society will continue its insane social experiments that are destroying most large American cities and as a result, the need for security officers continues to grow. Additionally, the continued decline in those values, will continuing leading many to become substance dependent and thus incapable of participating in the work force in a meaningful way.
Thus, the need for your services will only continue to be in demand, as long as you are willing to live right, be dependable and do your work the right way.
When the national debt insanity and unsustainable monetary policies eventually force judgment day, the ensuing economic adjustment will accelerate the need for security, and once again, even during the economic adjustment period, there will be lots of security jobs to be filled.
So, as a rule of thumb, no matter what happens to you in life, if you can avoid taking on debt, and can keep your expenses to no more than the going rate for an unarmed security officer's salary, and use good judgment and stay out of any of the types of trouble that will result in the state taking away your card, you will be well-positioned to survive any eventuality.
Even if you get a non-security job that pays better than a security job, you will still keep your card active, and thus, have the ability to work security whenever you need extra income, or in a worst-case scenario, need to fall back on security work as your primary source of income.
In this worst-case scenario, there should always be, at the very least, if you have to do it, a local Allied office that's desperate to put a uniform on any warm body who will walk through the door and be willing to sit for a day of rapid module testing. "Just answer the questions and we will get you on site."
And of course, once you are on site, and are assigned to one of the sit-around-at-night jobs, when no one else is around, you are working the ultimate job hack. You will probably be allowed and have the time needed to plan for, and at some sites, it's even acceptable to work on your next big career move.
That move might be to save up some overtime pay, of which there is probably plenty, in order to start up your own security agency, a courageous thing to do, but something that if done right can result in generational wealth for you and your family.
This industry is only going to continue to grow. Because of this, and because of Allied's dominance there's a vacuum for new companies to come into the market. People don't want to do business with OMNI Corp; they want to do business with someone local, like them.
And, because you watch the content from The Security Officer Network, you will know that if you are innovative, you can design your security products and services to really help out the community, when they need it the most. A new generation of security entrepreneurs are already starting to do this all across the nation.
The bar to entry, of a new company into the security industry, is much smaller than the barrier for starting other types of business; and, it's entirely possible that you can work the overtime to save up the needed funds.
Also, rapidly evolving technologies are enabling even small organizations to leverage up and provide amazing security services. Learn these technologies, and the sky is the limit.
In summary, the security industry will always be there, as your fallback occupation, to provide you with job security so that you will probably never be without a job.
And many of these security jobs are 'job hack' jobs, allowing you to relax and focus and even prepare for your next big endeavor; and if that endeavor is in the security industry, then there is overwhelming opportunity to, as a professional security officer, do amazing things for the public, while building generational wealth for you and your family.
In other words, 2024 is the perfect time to have your security guard card.
Alright, time's up. Your partner's back, and it's time to yield the office back to his control, check the lobby, take the elevator to the top floor, and start working your way back down again. Or, if you want the exercise, the steps to the top will be fine; just one more of the many intangible benefits of this job: getting paid to exercise.
What a great job.
You are in the right place, at the right time.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from The Security Officer Network.
We will see you, next time.
Are you ready to start thinking about starting your own security company? Check out this 140 page ebook from The Security Officer Network entitled "How to Start A Security Guard Company". Get your PDF copy while it is still free! Or, order the paperback from Amazon.
How Much Does it Cost to Start a Security Guard Company - The initial investment that should be set aside before start a private security agency. Click to Read
How Much Can a New Security Agency Charge? - The new security agency's pricing strategy. Click to Read
What are the Components of the Security Guard Company Business Plan - The necessary elements of the Security Guard Company's business plan. Click to Read
How to Lower the Cost of the Securty Guard Company's Insurance Premiums - Methods for cutting the cost of insurance and undercutting the price model of the big security companies. Click to Read
How Much Should a Company Charge for Security Patrol? - Methods for charging for patrol route services. Click to Read is the exclusive provider of this free 57 page PDF guide. It features just about everything you need to know before taking the exam and includes The Professional Security Officer eCourse. You may get your copy for free right now only at! Submit your name and email to receive your copy via email or click here to learn more about this guide. is the exclusive provider of this free 140 page PDF ebook. Less-comprehensive versions sell for $24, but, for the time being, you may get your copy for free right now only at! Submit your name and email to receive your copy via email or click here to learn more about the book.
The forty question, free practice exam will test your unarmed security knowledge. It's the perfect test prep for those who must sit an exam before getting licensing.
This free job interview guide is the security officer's must-have resource. Get yours here.
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